Diabetic foot pain is often caused by Peripheral Neuropathy, which is a nerve problem directly caused by the disease of diabetes. This nerve pain can take the form of burning, aching, shooting pain, or tingling in your feet.
How to Relieve Diabetic Foot Pain?
You can use home remedies and well as medical treatments to help you relieve diabetic foot pain. The best diabetic foot care will depend on your specific case. Check with your podiatrist to see if any of the below remedies are right for your condition.
- Contrast Baths are a great way to alleviate foot pain. Stick your feet in a tub of ice cubes and water for approximately 3 minutes or until you feel pins and needles and then remove to bring back to room temperature.
- Try a tumeric supplement. The anti-inflammatory benefits of curcumin in tumeric have been known to relieve nerve pain.
- Soak your feet in epsom salts or apple cider vinegar solution
- Deep massaging your feet
- Regular non-impact exercise like swimming, cycling, yoga, or tai chi
How to Treat Diabetic Foot Pain?
More professional treatments may consist of the following. The best diabetic foot treatment in Baltimore will depend on your individual case of diabetic foot pain. Before trying any of the below remedies, check with one of our podiatrists in Baltimore if each treatment is right for you.
- Wearing more supportive shoes or fitted foot orthotics
- Magnetic, laser or light therapy
- Electrical nerve stimulation
Make sure that you schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists in Baltimore to see what treatment is right for you.
If you need diabetic foot treatment in the Baltimore and the surrounding areas or have any questions about the treatments described above, check out our Podiatry Associates locations and find a podiatrist near you. Feel free to call our scheduling office to discuss your specific situation: (833) 500-FEET.
Time to See a Podiatrist?
If you have any of the issues described above, it’s time to consult an expert. Connect with Podiatry Associates for an evaluation. All of our doctors are board certified/qualified and we’re dedicated to preserving your foot health.
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